Ares Arca Eclipse Script Exile

===Command List===

General Commands
#rooms -> List of other cool Ares chat rooms
#hug [name] -> Hugs user eg: #hug exile
#setmood [mood] -> Sets your mood eg: #setmood Happy
#delmood ["username" | userID] -> Deletes your mood
#mood ["username" | userID] -> Display users mood eg: #mood 2 || #mood "Exile"
#listmoods -> Tells u the host's status
#status -> Tells u the host's status
#time -> Host's Current Time
#date -> Host's Current Date
#pcls -> Clears your Screen
#to ["username" | userID] -> Sends msg to a user in main

Level 1 Commands
#logoff -> Logs u off as admin

Level 2 Commands
#ip <"username" | userID> -> Displays Users IP Address
#addbox ["username" | userID] -> Changes Users Text into a Box
#rembox ["username" | userID] -> Restores Users Text
#box -> Changes Box Character
#rbox -> Restores Box Character
#boxed -> Displays List of all Boxed Users

Level 3 Commands
#numon -> Turns on UserID before Text
#numoff -> Turns off UserID before Text

Level 4 Commands
#cls -> Clears the Screen
#loadrooms -> Load the list of cool rooms
#jscc -> Javascript Colour Codes all start with \x
#server -> The IP and Port of the room is pm'ed to u
#ipall -> Prints a list of everyones IP and Port
#ls [script] -> Loads Script. E.g: #ls carb0n
#ks [script] -> Kills Script. E.g: #ks carb0n

Host Commands
#status [status] -> set your status eg: #status Sleeping

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